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Orange blossom water

A Secret of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Cuisine

Orange blossom water, also known as orange flower water, is made by distilling bitter orange blossoms and is really an essence of this fragrant blossom. Orange blossom water is used in a variety of mediterranean cuisines. The French use orange blossom water to bake with and you will see it as an ingredient in madeleines, brioche, macarons and custards. Moroccan cuisine uses orange flower water in a variety of dishes including carrot and orange salads, pastries, soups and savory dishes. The Lebanese add orange blossom water to baklava and other sweets.

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Cocktails and Non-alcohol Drinks

Orange blossom water is a key ingredient in a Ramos Gin Fizz, a hand-shaken cocktail created in New Orleans over 100 years ago. Orange blossom water pairs well with a variety of cocktail ingredients including: citrus, gin, vodka, tequila, champagne and sparkling wines, Grand Marnier, Cointreau, Triple Sec, St. Germain and grenadine. 


The Lebanese make a digestive called "white coffee" by mixing a bit of orange flower water with hot water and honey or sugar. "White coffee" can be served hot or over ice. Moroccans mix orange juice with orange flower water and add it to almond milk shakes.

How To Purchase Orange Blossom Water 

The most important thing to remember when you purchase orange blossom water is to buy distilled and not concentrated water. You can purchase orange blossom water at any Middle Eastern grocery store, or you can buy it online. French produced Malandel is a good brand as is the Lebanese brand Cortas





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