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2 Broads Abroad: Moms Fly the Coop

My good friend Nancy Greene and her sister Deborah Serra just published their first book 2 Broads Abroad: Mom's Fly the Coop. After packing their last kids off to college, both moms were feeling the void of becoming empty nesters. You know the feeling? Your house is suddenly so quiet you can hear a pin drop, there are rooms you don't go into and toilets that are never flushed. Food that normally disappeared virtually as it was taken out of the grocery bag now stares back accusingly at you everytime you open your fridge. In a nutshell you are rattling around in a home and a life that had always seemed crazy-jam-packed-busy, but now with your kids gone there is a weird quiet and definitely some grief over how fast it all went.  But when you look past the empty bedrooms and your suddenly always-neat home, there is a growing vision of opportunity and a chance to reinvent yourself and an epiphany that "hey this is not all that bad!"


Nancy and Deborah took their newfound empty nester freedom and planned an Irish adventure together to mourn/celebrate successfully launching their children. They rekindled their relationship as sisters, trekked through their ancestral home and relearned what is was like to think about themselves first, without responsibilities to children and spouses.


This is a fun read if you have recently or are about to become an empty nester. I give Nancy and Deborah a huge nod for not only taking the trip, but for writing the book and navigating the challenging path to publication. Congratulations to Nancy and Deborah and to all my empty-nester girl friends who are writing books, starting businesses and rediscovering themselves in so many ways.

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2 Broads Abroad: Mom's Fly the Coop

If Nancy and Deborah's book sounds like a fun read to you, please consider buying it today. If you purchase a book on Amazon you will also receive a free Kindle version. It may just spark your imagination and give you the nudge you need to start your own adventure and just maybe, your next life chapter.



  1. nancy greene says:

    Thanks Kim for the post regarding our book launch. 2 Broads really appreciate your support!

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