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How to Poach Chicken and Get It Right Every Time
Learn How to Poach Chicken
Poaching chicken is a culinary technique that will serve you well. Once you learn how to poach chicken so that it is moist and tender, as well as cooked through so it is safe to eat, you will find a multitude of uses for it. From salads, to soups, to sandwiches it is a wonderful item to prep in advance and then throw into a variety of meals throughout the week.Here is What You Need to Know to Poach Chicken
1. What Kind of Chicken is Best to Poach?
I like to poach whole, skinless, boneless breasts. While I am a great fan of chicken thighs, there are a lot of better ways to cook them. (Check out my post on Chicken Thighs for why I love this cut of meat.) You can poach bone-in, skin on breasts, but you will wind up discarding all these extra bits. When I poach chicken, I am looking for a lean and moist finished product that is perfect for adding to salads, soups and sandwiches.Click to download our free e-cookbook: 15 Recipes To Make You Look Like A Star
2. What Kind of Pan do You Use?
I use a fairly deep skillet or sauté pan with a tight fitting lid. I am looking for a pan that is deep enough that I can lay the chicken breasts in the pan in a single layer and completely cover them with water. Don't overcrowd the breasts; there should be some space in between each breast.3. Start with Flavorings

- Onions, shallots or leeks
- Garlic cloves, peeled and smashed
- Citrus rind and/or juice
- Fresh or dried herbs
- Fresh ginger, sliced and smashed
- Soy sauce
- Wine or beer
- Chicken stock (to boost the flavor)
- Whole peppercorns (I always add these)
4. Now Add Cold Water to Cover the Chicken

5. When is the Chicken Done?
Chicken is done when it is pasteurized. What does this mean? It means the chicken has been heated to a high enough temperature for a long enough duration to kill 99.9% of bacteria and other pathogens. Most people focus on the internal temperature that must be maintained for only 10 seconds to achieve pasteurization. For chicken this is 165 degrees F. What many people don't realize is that lower temperatures will also achieve pasteurization, they just need to be held for longer times. Below is a range of times and temperatures that will achieve pasteurization where the chicken is safe to eat:- 165 degrees F -- 10 seconds
- 160 degrees F -- 13.7 seconds
- 155 degrees F -- 44.2 seconds
- 150 degrees F -- 2.7 minutes
- 145 degrees F -- 8.4 minutes
6. To Achieve Tender Moist Chicken, Shoot for 155 Degrees

7. Use an Instant Read Thermometer to Check Doneness
You absolutely need an instant read thermometer to poach chicken successfully and safely. So going back to step 5, after your chicken has been in the poaching liquid on low heat for about 6 - 7 minutes, check the internal temperature by removing the chicken from the pan and inserting the instant read thermometer into the middle of the thickest part of the chicken breast. If the chicken has reached 155 degrees, return it to the pan and put the lid back on. Allow the chicken to sit for one minute and then remove it from the pot. Double check that the chicken is still at 155 degrees after a minute. I use this insta-read Javelin Pro thermometer. They offer a less expensive version that takes a few seconds more and has a shorter probe.
SNFD Recipes Suitable for Poached Chicken