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Wall Art for You Raises Critical Covid-19 Funding
Something New For You

Triage: Bahamian Starfish, Clarity III, & Little Fish I printed on aluminum
Over the years my photography has expanded to include more than food photography. I have spent the last several years taking ocean-oriented photos in the Bahamas, Greece, Mexico and California. Now many of these photos are available as wall art to brighten your home.Click to download our free e-cookbook: 15 Recipes To Make You Look Like A Star
Note: We are still working on our software. Currently the prints show up in the gallery priced at $0. Sadly this is not true. To see correct pricing click on an individual print and prices, formatting, sizing and framing options will appear for you to select from.
A Way to Help During This Pandemic
To kick off my new wall art line I want to give back to the coronavirus frontline healthcare workers who are dedicated to keeping us safe and healthy. I discovered Frontline Foods, a wonderful non-profit organization that feeds crisis workers through meals procured from local restaurants.Healthcare Workers Need Our Help
Healthcare workers are putting their life on the line everyday as they work to treat coronavirus patients and keep the rest of us safe. In areas of the U.S. that have been hit hard by the coronavirus, these heros have worked round the clock and put their life at risk every time they take care of a covid19 patient. Even in cities where coronavirus has been less active, hospital workers are at the ready to take care of whatever comes their way. As coronavirus cases continue to rise, these healthcare workers are the true safety net for all of us.Restaurant Workers Need Our Help Too
The restaurant industry has been hard-hit by the coronavirus. Many restaurants have shut their doors, while others struggle to stay open with take-out and limited seating options. Even though restaurants are beginning to open up, they are a long way from operations as usual. Now many restaurants are working with Frontline Foods to feed their local healthcare workers.How Frontline Foods Works
Frontline Foods raises money through donations. They use the donations to purchase healthy meals for frontline healthcare workers from local restaurants. The restaurants prepare and deliver the individually packaged meals to healthcare workers. The result is every dollar donated to Frontline Foods goes to support both healthcare and restaurant workers.How Purchasing Wall Art Supports Frontline Foods
There are two ways your wall art purchases contribute to Frontline Foods:
The Sea Calls Me
- I will donate 100% of the profits generated from my wall art sales to Frontline Foods. This is my way of contributing. I am not looking to make a profit for myself. Rather I am looking for a way to magnify the donations I could make by myself. When you purchase one of my photos, you magnify my contribution.
- For the first $4,000 in wall art sales, 100% of the purchase price will be donated to Frontline Foods. My husband and I will personally pay for printing and framing costs for the first $4000 in sales with a personal donation. This is our way of magnifying your donation.
What You Personally Get When You Purchase One of My Wall Art Photos

Corduroy II
- You get a beautiful ocean-oriented print for your home. Travel is no longer an option for most of us and with all of the time we are spending sheltering in place it is a great time to enhance your home and bring some of the natural world inside. For me, these pictures are a window to the outside world and an inspiration as to what waits for us when we finally get covid-19 under control. My prints help you take a virtual vacation from your home.
- You make a contribution to frontline healthcare workers as well as provide support for restaurant workers. We need to support both of these communities to keep us safe, nourished and well. Our healthcare workers are critical to us all and they need and deserve our support. Likewise, our restaurant workers also need our help. I hate to think of a post-covid-19 world without the rich variety of restaurants we have until recently taken for granted.
Formats, Frames and Sizes for Wall Art
You have options. There are two print formats, two colors of frames and three sizes of prints to choose from.Formats

Land and Sea III printed on aluminum
Printed on Aluminum -- Photos are printed on white aluminum and framed with simple black or white wooden frames. Sizes are 11 x 14", 18 x 24" and 32 x 24" outside diameter. This aluminum print format offers a beautiful mat finish with just a touch of texture.
Pink Sand I printed on paper, matted, framed and glassed
Printed on Paper -- Photos are printed on paper, matted, and framed under glass with black or white simple frames. Prints are 11 x 14," 18 x 24" and 32 x 24." Two inch to to 2 1/4" mats and 3/4" frames expand the size of these paper prints. Matting and framing under glass provides an elegant finished product.Custom Sizes and Orders

The Collections and the Stories Behind Each Print
There are two collections: By the Sea and Critters with a total of 24 photos in both collections. There is a story behind each print. Below is one of my favorites. I love the photo, the story behind it and the friendship I have developed with the subject of the photo, Bob, the merry manatee.
Bob the Merry Manatee
Bob the manatee is quite a wonder. His mother swam from Florida to Long Island in the Bahamas after a hurricane. She must have been pregnant with Bob at the time. Manatees are not native to the Bahamas. Only a few have become Bahamian residents in the last 10 to 20 years. Bob calls all of Long Island his home and has been sighted swimming up and down the 80-mile cay. He likes to hang out at Stella Maris marina where I have had the good fortune to catch up with him on three different occasions.How to Purchase a Print
To view the collection and purchase the right print for your home click here. I hope there is something in my collection that speaks to you, will enhance the beauty of your home and provide you with a visual reprieve from the stresses of pandemic living. Your purchase will help two critical communities who continue to support the rest of us through this covid-19 pandemic. Let's help them make it through.Note: We are still working on our software. Currently the prints show up in the gallery priced at $0. Sadly this is not true. To see correct pricing click on an individual print and prices, formatting, sizing and framing options will appear for you to select from.
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