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A food blogger’s Thanksgiving
In late October or early November when you pick up a copy of Bon Appetite or read your favorite food blog, ever wonder "when did they make that turkey?" Well now that I have been working on SNFD for a year, I can tell you. The turkey, the pies, the mashed potatoes, the cranberry sauce, the table settings, they were all made and photographed months earlier. This year, we had our family Thanksgiving in August. Which can be quite a trick if you need fresh cranberries and a good whole turkey. But if you are creative, you can make it happen. My local grocery store buys turkeys year round for their deli, so I talked them into selling me one of them. They also freeze any leftover cranberries after Christmas and hang on to them. I managed to talk them into selling me a bag of cranberries too. (By the way, cranberries freeze beautifully. I buy them as soon as they come on the market and toss a bag or two in the freezer.)
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This year, having Thanksgiving in August worked out especially well for three reasons:
1. My youngest son Mikey was leaving for a semester in Australia, and this gave him a chance to join us for Thanksgiving. 2. My house is getting some major maintenance done to it, and we are living in a little cottage on the beach with a teeny kitchen that would not accommodate our usual Thanksgiving feast for the 20-odd people who join us.
3. I needed to prepare Thanksgiving recipes and articles in advance for SNFD. Thanksgiving in August was great fun.
We did not have all of our regular guests, but we had neighbors, grandparents, cousins, significant others and a bunch of college kids.
Oh yes, and we had dishes. Mountains of dishes. So one of the things I am very thankful for is my childhood friend Eva, who year-after-year stays and works through the dishes with JP and I. This makes my morning after Thanksgiving so much better and gives me time to enjoy my slice of breakfast pumpkin pie. After all, pumpkin pie is health food you know!
Happy Thanksgiving to all!